Horticulture & Nurseries

Horticulture & Nurseries

At Sia Landscaping, we are extremely passionate about our work. Our team of horticulturists and supervisors ensure that our landscaped areas are being given the very best of care and attention. Review of our weekly reports enable our experts to adequately comprehend and cater to the dynamic landscaping needs of the project. In order to achieve a beautifully landscaped area our horticulturists understand the ongoing requirement of the client and design a detailed landscaping programme to ensure a high quality maintenance of the landscaped areas.

Excellent plant quality is a pre-requisite for any well designed landscaped area. At Sia nurseries, our plants are produced and closely monitored by our skilled team of growers and horticulturists. Our exceptional in-house nurseries, contain an extensive selection of shrubs, trees and ground covers that are carefully supervised by our experts to ensure we deliver only good quality plants to our clients.